An optically isolated power electronic power conversion circuit that includes
an input electrical power source, a heat pipe, a power electronic switch or plurality
of interconnected power electronic switches, a mechanism for connecting the switch
to the input power source, a mechanism for connecting comprising an interconnecting
cable and/or bus bar or plurality of interconnecting cables and/or input bus bars,
an optically isolated drive circuit connected to the switch, a heat sink assembly
upon which the power electronic switch or switches is mounted, an output load,
a mechanism for connecting the switch to the output load, the mechanism for connecting
including an interconnecting cable and/or bus bar or plurality of interconnecting
cables and/or output bus bars, at least one a fiber optic temperature sensor mounted
on the heat sink assembly, at least one fiber optic current sensor mounted on the
load interconnection cable and/or output bus bar, at least one fiber optic voltage
sensor mounted on the load interconnection cable and/or output bus bar, at least
one fiber optic current sensor mounted on the input power interconnection cable
and/or input bus bar, and at least one fiber optic voltage sensor mounted on the
input power interconnection cable and/or input bus bar.