The ratchet wrench of this invention includes a jaw adjustment assembly connected with a jaw and gear assembly carried by a wrench head. Components of the jaw adjustment assembly include a scroll plate inside a cap operated by a jaw adjustment disk located above the cap. The jaw adjuster disk is connected with the scroll plate using a snap ring. Components of the jaw and gear assembly include a pair of jaws supported and guided inside a gear unit with the aid of parallel support rails. The support rails connect the rear unit with the jaws and support the jaw and gear assembly from a wrench head and handle. The two assemblies are pressed and held together by a splined inner surface of the cap interfacing with a splined outer surface of the gear unit. A typical pawl assembly provides the ratchet operation of the ratchet wrench.


< Bidirectional ratchet wrench with a ratchet assembly

< Head portion of a ratchet wrench

> Ratchet wrench having exact limit effect

> Ratchet wrench with rotating disc

~ 00225