A transport neutral technique allows an object manager to communicate with a CIM repository using any of a variety of protocols. The object manager software is independent of the transport mechanism used and need not be changed if the transport mechanism changes. A computer system to be managed includes a CIM object manager and any number of provider APIs that provide resource information about the computer system. A CIM repository stores classes and instances used by the object manager. A remote application computer runs a software management application that communicates with the object manager of the computer system using a local client API. A Repository API of the object manager includes an interface definition defining all methods called by the object manager. Also included is a protocol-specific class that implements the interface definition; there is a protocol-specific class for each protocol desired to be supported. Each class implements methods using a specific protocol. A factory class is executed when the object manager invokes a method call passing in a desired protocol parameter. The factory class creates a protocol-specific object of one of the protocol-specific classes depending on the protocol parameter. The object is returned to the object manager which executes one of its protocol-specific methods thus allowing communication to a repository using a protocol independent of the object manager.

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