A trans free non hydrogenated high C-16 type palm fat suitable for the manufacture of trans free non hydrogenated hard structural fat that is being suitable for use in the manufacture of low SAFA (Saturated Fatty Acid) poly/mono unsaturated margarine and spreads and shortening and fat blends incorporating such hard Structural fat. The Structural fat is made from selectively fractionated non-hydrogenated high melting palm oil fraction with a C-16 fatty acid residue of at least 70%, which is subjected to chemical random interesterification using alkaline metal catalyst such as sodium methoxide/sodium methylate, with a dry fractionated non hydrogenated hard palm kernel stearin fraction. The structural fat that is produced has high yield ratios that can be economically and commercially incorporated in the oil blends for the manufacture of trans free margarine/spreads/shortening as well as other plastic W/O emulsions. Also described is a process for the manufacturing such structural fat as well as hard palm fraction including process for the manufacture of extra hard trans free structural fat by panning and pressing of above structural fat.

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