A positive active material for rechargeable lithium batteries includes an active
material component processed from a manganese-based compound. The transition metal
compound is selected from LixMnO2, LixMnF2,
LixMnS2, LixMnO2-zFz, LixMnO2-zSz,
LixMn1-yMyO2, LixMn1-yMyF2,
LixMn1-yMyS2, LixMn1-yMyO2-zFz,
LixMn1-yMyO2-zSz, LixMn2O4,
LixMn2F4, LixMn2O4-zFz,
LixMn2O4-zSz, LixMn2-yMyO4,
LixMn2-yMyF4, LixMn2-yMyS4,
LixMn2-yMyO4-zFz, or LixMn2-yMyO4-zSz
where 0x1.5, 0.05y0.3, z1.0 and M is selected
from Al, Co, Cr, Mg, Fe or La. A metallic oxide is coated on the active material component.