The objective of the invention is to increase the potential hop density of single frequency TDD radio links by allowing a set of closely located terminals to use a single channel. This is possible when transmission and reception periods of the terminals are synchronized so that the transmit period of any of the terminals in a terminal group does not overlap with the receive period of any of the terminals in the group. Synchronization is achieved by selecting at least one terminal in a hub site as a super master terminal. This terminal gives timing through a common bus to the rest of the terminals in the group These terminals use the received timing for adjusting their own timing i.e. for adjusting the starting moment and ending moment of the transmission and reception periods in such a manner that none of terminals is sending a burst while another terminal is receiving.


< FM based radio data system information data messaging

< Apparatus and method for giving notification of a multimedia broadcast/multicast service while considering a transmission mode in a mobile communication system

> Card model radio-communication terminal device

> Solar-Powered Mobile Telephone

~ 00227