Developing and executing individualized retention plans for students. A
career success survey is provided to a student, and the survey includes
queries used to derive a student vulnerability index. A completed version
of the career success survey with answers to the queries is received from
the student, and an communication plan is assigned to the student based
the completed career success survey (student vulnerability index). The
dynamically assigned communication plan delivers messages to the student
at periodic times in an effort to increase the likelihood of retaining
the student or otherwise attempt to prevent the student from dropping out
of an educational institution. The messages can include e-mail, mail, and
telephone messages, and they can be sent at particular times during the
student's enrollment at the educational institution. The content of the
messages are personalized to the student based upon a number of criteria
such as age, major, gender, identified needs, student vulnerability
index, or any other criteria gathered by the system from the career
success survey. The system also provides the basis of a student retention
methodology for school administrators, faculty and staff by providing an
environment for all concerted to better understand who the at risk
students are, how to best help the at risk students, and a reporting
system indicating improvement in student retention.