A system for dynamically implementing a plurality of virtual local area networks
("VLANs") across multiple sites is provided. The system includes a first VLAN-capable
switch at a first site; a first system under test ("SUT") connected to the first
VLAN-capable switch via a first burn rack switch; a second VLAN-capable switch
located at a second site remote from the first site; a second SUT connected to
the second VLAN-capable switch via a second burn rack switch. The first and second
VLAN-capable switches are connected such that the first and second SUTs are connected
to a single virtual private network ("VPN"). The connection may include either
first and second routers respectively connected to the first and second VLAN-capable
switches and interconnected via a T1 line or an ATM connection. The system
may also include a first VLAN-capable switch located at a first site; a first system
under test ("SUT") connected to the first VLAN-capable switch via a first burn
rack switch; a second VLAN-capable switch located at a second site remote from
the first site; a customer network located at a customer site remote from the first
and second sites and connected to the second VLAN-capable switch via a router;
and an ATM connection between the first and second VLAN-capable switches such that
the first SUT and the customer network are connected to a single virtual private
network ("VPN"). In this embodiment, the connection between the second site and
customer site may be either an Internet connection or a high speed point-to-point connection.