Methods and apparati for marking digital material and for detecting marks
therein. For mark detection, the material is divided into a plurality of blocks,
to which a non-collision resistant compression function is applied. Compression
outputs are placed in a shift register, whose value is tested for predetermined
values or patterns. Mark embedding may be performed by modifying the data (for
example by altering low-order bits and other non-critical regions) such that the
outputs of the compression operation, when used as an input to the shift register,
yield a predetermined value or pattern. A Hamming Majority operation, computed
as the most common bit in a block, may be used as the compression operation, enabling
marking and mark detection with material of virtually all types and formats. Mark
detection technology may be implemented in media writers and other devices to determine
whether the digital material is copyrighted or otherwise protected. An override
capability is provided to allow authorized parties to bypass the protection.