A method and system for supporting a compliance agent in compliance monitoring
for anomaly detection (CMAD) involves a primary monitoring system comparing some
predetermined conditions of acceptance with the actual data or event. If any variance
is detected (an anomaly) by the primary monitoring system, an exception report
or alert is produced, identifying the variance. In a simple environment, this identification
of the variance fulfils the evidence conditions and determines an instance of non-compliance.
However, in a more complex environment, it may only be an indicator of a suspect
non-compliant event (SNCE). In the latter case, the compliance agent uses the results
of the initial monitoring as well as important information related to the event
and requiring judgmental expertise to obtain further evidence of non-compliance.
Compliance gents develop propositions or believes, based on their assumption. For
each proposition node in the system, the assumption based truth maintenance system
maintains a list of minimum sets of assumptions (Boolean cues), which are relevant
to the SNCE type. At the macro level, the construct uses the trivalent belief-disbelief-unknown.
However, this is refined by applying a measure of importance to individual pieces
or empirical evidence.