A composite material having a microstructure model is provided with a continuous
matrix of microstructure entities such as particles and grains that rotate under
both remotely applied stresses and induced concentrated stresses from nearby cracks,
pores and smaller particles, all networked within the matrix. The rotation microstructure
entities are smooth closed contours that are elliptically-shaped. A net moment
results on the boundaries of the microstructure entities effecting fracture toughening
of the material. Small particles and other microstructural entities may reduce
the attenuation of, transmit, and counteract the stresses induced by the rotating
microstructure entities. The induced stresses counteract those stresses and strain
energy densities that promote crack propagation. The result is a microstructure
free of laminates, coatings, fibers and fiber architectures that effect toughening
of the material against fracture.