The present invention provides a microneedle incorporating a base that is broad
relative to a height of the microneedle, to minimize breakage. The microneedle
further includes a fluid channel and a beveled non-coring tip. Preferably arrays
of such microneedles are fabricated utilizing conventional semiconductor derived
micro-scale fabrication techniques. A dot pattern mask is formed on an upper surface
of a silicon substrate, with each orifice of the dot pattern mask corresponding
to a desired location of a microneedle. Orifices are formed that pass completely
through the substrate by etching. A nitride pattern mask is formed to mask all
areas in which a nitride layer is not desired. A nitride layer is then deposited
on the bottom of the silicon substrate, on the walls of the orifice, and on the
top of the silicon substrate around the periphery of the orifice. The nitride layer
around the periphery of the orifice is offset somewhat, such that one side of the
orifice has a larger nitride layer. Anisotropic etching is used to remove a substantial
portion of the substrate, creating a plurality of angular, blunt, and generally
pyramidal-shaped microneedles. A subsequent removal of the nitride layer, followed
by an isotropic etching step, softens and rounds out the blunt angular microneedles,
providing generally conical-shaped microneedles. The uneven nitride layer adjacent
the orifice ensures that the microneedles will include a beveled tip. Such microneedle
arrays are preferably incorporated into handheld diagnostic and drug delivery systems.