A new method and apparatus for visualization and manipulation of real 3-D objects
are disclosed. This new approach utilizes compressed digital video taking advantage
of modern video compression technology. The entire system consists of the image
acquisition device, the viewing/manipulation program and the 3-D image database.
The system first captures images of the object from all possible view angles as
a sequence of images (a video). As neighboring images within the sequence will
generally be similar, the sequence will be amenable to standard video compression
techniques such as MPEG. The acquired video data (rendition of a real 3-D object)
is then stored into a database for later access, for instance, over the Internet.
Through specially developed software, the stored data can be manipulated
while viewing the object. The user simply inputs—via a mouse, for instance—the
view angle and the software automatically displays the appropriate frame within
the video (stored data). The software allows various object manipulations such
as rotation in arbitrary direction, as well as zoom, pan, etc. A particular implementation
of the viewing program using a Pentium III processor, randomly accessing an MPEG
sequence, through pre-decoding of certain anchor frames, is able to decode fast
enough for users to perform real-time manipulation of the object.
The captured 3-D image data of an object is stored into a centralized (or distributed)
database and users may access the data through the assigned URL for the object
over the Internet. The data may or may not be password protected. As such, the
overall system is an implementation of a one-stop service for individuals wishing
to provide 3-D visualization of real 3-D objects over the Internet.