An apparatus for forming a tube construct from a planar sheet matrix includes
a stand supporting two opposing mounts and spanning between the opposing mounts
are a mandrel, a porous rod, and a spring-loaded roller held in parallel arrangement;
a guide for aligning and engaging the mandrel on the opposing mounts; and a means
for imparting a tangential force on the planar sheet matrix to prevent wrinkling.
The porous rod has a lumen running its length and has pores that communicate between
the lumen of the porous rod through to the surface of the rod for water to uniformly
pass through. The spring-loaded roller runs along the length of the porous rod
creating a line of contact between the roller and the mandrel. The mandrel is contacted
with a planar sheet of matrix and is rotated such that successive portions of the
matrix contact the porous rod and become lightly moistened by the water passing
through the pores of the porous rod and become wrapped around the mandrel to form
a tube construct.