A method and apparatus for initializing operation for information security operation
for an entity utilizes shared information, such as shared secret information, that
may be shared between the entity and other applications or operations within a
system to initialize an entity. Prestored shared information that can be used as
entity identification data (RV) and authentication data (IAK) that is associated
with the entity identification data is encrypted and sent in clear text fashion
to an initialization authentication unit, such as a server or other processing
unit. The initialization authentication unit requests stored shared data from another
processing unit that maintains a database. The other processing system then responds
to the request by providing prestored shared data that can be used to, for example,
decrypt the encrypted information sent in a clear text fashion to determine whether
an entity is a proper user of the information security operation. Accordingly,
no secure session is required, and no new generation of identification data or
authentication data is required.