A method and apparatus is provided for automatically classifying a defect on
surface of a semiconductor wafer into one of, e.g., seven core classes: a missing
pattern on the surface, an extra pattern on the surface, a deformed pattern on
the surface, a particle on the surface, a particle embedded in the surface, a particle
and a deformed pattern on the surface, or craters and microscratches on the surface.
The defect may also be further classified into a subclass of arbitrarily defined
defects defined by the user or preprogrammed in the apparatus. Embodiments include
using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) capable of collecting electrons emitted
from a plurality of angular sectors to obtain an image of the defect and a reference
image containing topographical and location information, then analyzing this information
to classify the defect. As the defects are classified, counts are maintained of
the number of occurrences of each type of defect, and an alarm is raised if the
defect count in a particular class exceeds a predetermined level. Thus, defects
are accurately and reliably classified and monitored to enable early detection
and cure of processing problems.