A non-parametric matched filter receiver that includes a digital (e.g., FIR)
and a channel estimator. The channel estimator (1) determines the timing to center
the digital filter, (2) obtains the characteristics of the noise in received samples,
(3) estimates the system response for the samples using a best linear unbiased
(BLU) estimator, a correlating estimator, or some other type of estimator, and
(4) derives a set of coefficients for the digital filter based on the estimated
system response and the determined noise characteristics. The correlating estimator
correlates the samples with their known values to obtain the estimated system response.
The BLU estimator pre-processes the samples to whiten the noise, correlates the
whitened samples with their known values, and applies a correction factor to obtain
the estimated system response. The digital filter then filters the samples with
the set of coefficients to provide demodulated symbols.