A metallic stud for use in a framing structure, the stud definable in terms a
y, z coordinate system. The stud includes the z-axis elongate substantially rectangular
integral web within a yz plane and further includes a series of xz plane tabs projecting
in an x-axis direction, the tabs alternating in x-axis extent between interdigitating
greater and lesser dimensions, in which a z-axis line of dependency exists between
a common xz plane of all of the tabs in a first major rectangular base of the yz
plane of the web of the stud. The stud further includes a z-axis elongate L-shaped
element integrally dependent from a second major rectangular base of the web, the
elongate element parallel to the first base. The element includes an integral xz
plane sub-element, extending in a z-axis direction, and substantially parallel
with the series of xz plane tabs from a z-axis line of dependency from the second
major base of the web, the z-axis L-shaped element further including a yz plane
sub-element, in the nature of a lip, integrally depending from the xz sub-element
along an entire z-axis length and projecting toward the series of xz plane tabs,
in which the yz sub-element is substantially parallel with the yz plane of the
elongate web. The studs are preferably formed of a thin gauge steel.