The present invention relates to a probe and processes useful for magnetic resonance
imaging and spectroscopy instruments. More particularly, the invention relates
to a MR probe and processes for obtaining resolution enhancements of fluid objects,
including live specimens, using an ultra-slow (magic angle) spinning (MAS) of the
specimen combined with a modified phase-corrected magic angle turning (PHORMAT)
pulse sequence. Proton NMR spectra were measured of the torso and the top part
of the belly of a female BALBc mouse in a 2T field, while spinning the animal at
a speed of 1.5 Hz. Results show that even in this relatively low field with PHORMAT,
an isotropic spectrum is obtained with line widths that are a factor 4.6 smaller
than those obtained in a stationary mouse. Resolution of 1H NMR metabolite
spectra are thus significantly enhanced. Results indicate that PHORMAT has the
potential to significantly increase the utility of 1H NMR spectroscopy
for in vivo biochemical, biomedical and/or medical applications involving large-sized
biological objects such as mice, rats and even humans within a hospital setting.
For small-sized objects, including biological objects, such as excised tissues,
organs, live bacterial cells, and biofilms, use of PASS at a spinning rate of 30
Hz and above is preferred.