The present invention relates to the interactions between MHC Class I
molecules and Co-expressed Proteins within the same cell (i.e., cis
interaction). These interactions affect overt functional cellular
processes by way of influencing protein trafficking and/or signal
transduction. For example, in the nervous system, MHC Class
I/Co-expressed Protein Interactions can have functional consequences
affecting normal brain development, neuronal differentiation, synaptic
plasticity and other physiological events. The polymorphic nature of the
MHC Class I molecules imparts multiple differences among individuals with
regard to the ability of an individual's MHC Class I molecules to
interact with specific Co-expressed Proteins and affect cellular
function--including the extent to which an individual's inherited MHC
Class I haplotypes can affect that individual's specific development,
susceptibility to developing diseases and/or their ability to respond to
cellular loss, disruption or damage.