A camera tripod rotating head (20) is taught that is used for taking 360
degree photographic images with a camera (22) mounted on a tripod (24).
The rotating head consists of an adapter base (26) that is configured to
mate and attach to the camera tripod, and includes a one way roller clutch (30)
mounted within the adapter base and a shoulder bolt (32) that is positioned
through both the base and the clutch. A rotating beam (36) is attached to
the adapter base with the shoulder bolt allowing the beam to revolve around the
base a full 360 degrees in one direction only. Detents are position within the
adapter base relative beam allowing the beam to be rotated and stopped at an equidistant
predetermined location, preferably sixteen, until manually urged to the next location.
An adjustable camera mounting bracket (60), configured to mate with the
camera, is manually attached to the rotating beam permitting the rotating head,
with a camera attached, to sweep in a one way arc of rotation stopping by the detents
at each predetermined position.