A potentiometer device, for detecting valve positions, wherein a voltage signal
Us is sendable to a control unit having an A/D converter, including
a carrier element on which at least one slider track, having a slider element in
contact therewith, is disposed; wherein the slider track switches between supply
voltage Uv of the control unit and ground, and the slider element is
connected with the control unit with a protection resistance over an output, wherein
the control unit includes a resistance for detecting a cable disconnect, which
is a pull-down resistance between voltage signal Us and ground, or a
pull-up resistance between supply voltage Uv and voltage signal Us,
wherein a resistance is provided at output, that is, in a first embodiment, a pull-up
resistance between supply voltage Uv and voltage signal Us,
and, in a second embodiment, a pull-down resistance between voltage signal Us
and ground.