A method of analyzing electrocardiogram (EKG) data for use in the diagnosis of
heart disease, prognosis of cardiac conditions, and the monitoring of heart disease
therapies is disclosed. The method utilizes a wavelet-based multifractal analysis
with one or more of (1) a discrete wavelet smoothing step to remove the effects
of abnormal beats; (2) "Levy flight" analysis to detect the frequency of abnormal
beats known to adversely affect the multifractal (MF) analysis; and (3) MF alpha
analysis, a multifractal extension of monofractal short term (ST) alpha analysis.
The invention further comprises an EKG test battery comprising Levy flight anomalous
beat/beat cluster screening, followed by (ST) MF alpha analysis and MF Holder analysis
(when validated by the Levy flight analysis). The wavelet smoothing step can also
be used to classify human EKGs by observing the effect of sequential smoothing
on the MF Holder coefficient. Alternative choices to the wavelet smoothing approach
to removal of abnormal beat effects include probability distribution function analysis
to determine the MF Holder coefficient directly, abnormal beat ridge skeleton removal
to remove the offending beats based on a direct multifractal spectrum calculation,
and the calculation of various types of entropy coefficients for the EKG time series.