A sycamore maple tree named `Tunpetti` having unique foliage colour. In summer, the upper leaf surface is dark green, and the underside is greyed burgundy in color with vibrant red petioles. The foliage changes to a superb bright yellow upper and warm pink lower surface colour during autumn. The bark of `Tunpetti` is uniform and smooth with only a slight scaliness and limited vertical fissuring. In addition, `Tunpetti` has been observed to be exceptionally resistant to "tar spot", a leaf disease common amongst Aceraceae.

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> Allene oxide synthase and divinyl ether synthase from the cyp74-enzyme family isolated out of physcomitrella patens, the nucleotide sequences that code these synthases, and method for producing pathogen-resistant plants

> Functional plant, promoter to be used for producing the functional plant and method of using the same

~ 00237