The Continuous Aimpoint Tracking System is comprised of a position detection
device (PDD) and a laser pointing device (LPD) that projects an infrared crosshair
onto the PDD. The PDD is coupled to a computer and comprises a multitude of photodiodes
and associated circuits, the photodiodes being evenly spaced and arranged to form
a frame that can be mounted on the computer so as to surround the computer video
display. When a "shot" is fired from the LPD, the crosshair projection is interrupted
briefly. The PDD determines the position of the four crosshair intersections and
reports them to the computer which, in response, generates the video signals that
form the resolved aimpoint on the screen, matching the LPD aimpoint to the video
image. Further, the tracking system determines the rotation of the LPD over a range
of at least 10 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise.