A method and system for overriding access locks on secure assets in a computer
system. The system includes a processor and a device coupled to the processor.
The device includes one or more sub-devices, one or more access locks, and an access
lock override register that stores one or more access lock override bits, including
a lock override bit. The one or more access locks are configured to prevent access
to the one or more sub-devices when the one or more access locks are engaged. Access
to the one or more sub-devices is not allowed when the lock override bit is set.
The method includes requesting a memory transaction for one or more memory addresses
and determining a lock status for the one or more memory addresses. The method
also includes returning the lock status for the one or more memory addresses. The
method may determine if the lock status for the one or more memory address can
be changed. The method may change the lock status of the one or more memory addresses
to allow the memory transaction.