The invention relates to a privacy function check which is efficient in
terms of network load, and is carried out by means of a method for
requesting the agreement of a user of a mobile radio terminal of a mobile
radio network, relating to the transmission of the position data of said
terminal to a requester requesting said position data. In the event of an
arrival of one such request in a switching center of the mobile radio
network, said switching center prompts a database server to check, by
means of consultation information stored in the server and relating to
the mobile radio terminal, whether an agreement must be obtained from the
mobile radio terminal in order to transmit the position of said terminal
to the requester, the result of the check then being sent to the
switching center. At least when the result indicates that an agreement
must be obtained, a request for the agreement is sent from the switching
center to the mobile radio terminal, and, if an agreement is obtained,
the position of the terminal is transmitted to the requester.