A measurement sensor where a mixed solution enters a manifold (1) and is
separated in an entry chamber (2) by a whirlpool and/or setting effect.
An accumulation chamber (3) and outflow (4) positioned in the lower
peripheral of the entry chamber (2) causes the separated solution to
preferentially flow to a sensing tube (6) with surface to sectional area
dimensions optimised for high frequency electric field measurement of
solution parameters used to determine capacitance and conductivity.
Overflow of mixed solution enters (5) similar sensing tubes (7), for
mixed flow measurements used to determine mass and flow rate. The number
and size of the overflow tubes (7) give minimal head loss through the
manifold. Solution is recombined in an exit chamber (10) that causes
fluid dynamic restrictions (8) to extend solution residence time in
measurement tube (6) before exiting the manifold (11). Also disclosed is
measurement of a fluid parameter by improving the measurement sensitivity
by at least partially canceling the effect of dielectric properties of
the containment wall through which the parameter is sensed, and a method
for determining plant performance using stored performance profiles.