A method of producing a package from lenticular sheet having anisotropic optical
properties comprising the steps of providing a body of transparent material having
a pair of opposing sides and an index of refraction greater than one; forming a
plurality of lenses on the first side of said pair of opposing sides in pre-selected
portions of the first side; forming a pre-determined package design from the lenticular
sheet, and wherein the remainder of the first side of said pair of opposing sides
outside the pre-selected lens portions is generally flat and transparent. A method
of manufacturing a lenticular sheet comprising the steps of producing a transparent
sheet by engraving a desired lens pattern over an entire cylinder or flat plate;
placing a mask over selected lens areas; metal plating the unmasked areas to a
thickness greater than the surface of the masked areas; cutting the plated areas
back to the level of the masked areas; and forming a pre-determined package design
from the lenticular sheet.