This invention presents a wireless UWB-based space-time networks communication
that is used to utilize a larger number of sensor nodes in commercial, potentially
hostile, and militarily sensitive environments. The sensor networks communications
contain N wireless UWB-based space-time sensor nodes, M sensor node forward stations
and a sensor basestation. Each of wireless UWB-based space-time sensor nodes is
to support data collection with a multimode sensing, signal processing and analysis,
and transmission fashion by using an UWB pulse modulation with a multiple antenna.
The sensor node forward stations have a dual-mode transmitting function based MIMO
space-time and UWB approaches along with a spread spectrum technology. The sensor
basestation also uses a space-time approach with MIMO sensor-antenna architecture.
Thus, the wireless UWB-based sensor networks communications simultaneously exploit
temporal and spatial diversity for sensor networks communications, thereby converting
spatially distributed UWB-based sensor nodes into efficient, robust, reliable,
and secure wireless sensor communications.