Illuminating devices may be added to footwear or other objects worn by persons. The illuminating devices are necessarily compact in nature, consisting primarily of flashing lights and a power-and-control circuit that controls and enables the flashing of the lights. The lights may be illuminated by differing voltage levels, so that lights will flash brighter or dimmer, in sequence, depending on whether the light receives a higher voltage or a lower voltage. The voltages may be achieved by using batteries in series. A unique flashing effect is achieved by the use of differing voltages in sequence on the same lamps or LEDs. A battery charger may also be included to restore battery life.


< Pouch for concealing and containing shoelaces

< Waterproof footwear and methods for making the same

> Snowboard boot with removable ankle supports

> Training device for and method for training gliding sport athlete

~ 00241