A disk-based archival storage system including a storage unit configured to store
archival data, the storage unit including at least one spindle of disks configured
to magnetically store archival data, an interconnect; and a control unit configured
to process requests over the interconnect to either archive to or retrieve data
from the storage unit. In one embodiment, the system includes a plurality of the
storage units, each including at least one spindle of disks. The control unit controls
the storage unit(s) in a master-slave relationship. Specifically the control unit
is capable of issuing commands to selectively cause the storage unit(s) to shut
down or power up, enter a running mode or a standby mode, cause the spindle of
disk(s) to either spin up or spin down, and to perform a data integrity check of
all the archival data stored in the storage system. In various other embodiments,
the control unit runs algorithms that expand the lifetime and longevity of the
disk spindles, optimizes power consumption, and performs data migration in the
event a data integrity check identifies correctable errors.