The present invention relates to a process for the manufacture of a cereal product having an improved protein content and improved baking properties, whereby one mills cereals up to between 50 to 70% with regard to the kernel, that one from a part feed of said flour isolates native gluten and the content of water soluble constituents such as pentosans, that one add the native gluten thus isolated and constituents isolated, such as pentosans, to the remaining feed of flour, that the feed of flour being substantially freed from native protein and soluble constituents is used as such, or is further processed such as being subjected to an enzymatic hydrolysis to obtain a glucose syrup.


< Method of producing laminated food and a device thereof and laminated cheese food thereby produced

< Dietary fiber, process for preparing it, and augmented dietary fiber from almond hulls

> Process for producing tofu

> Food products and their method of preparation

~ 00242