A point of sale (POS) rebate method and system allows a consumer purchasing a
having an associated manufacturer's mail-in rebate to redeem the rebate at the
POS. Products that have associated manufacturer rebates are recognized when the
products are purchased, e.g., based on information stored in a rebate database.
When such products are identified, terms and conditions of a POS rebate are determined.
The value of the POS rebate may be determined based on the value of the mail-in
rebate offered by the manufacturer. The value of the POS rebate may be determined
by querying a server containing rebate information, such as a server operated by
or on behalf of the manufacturer or retailer. The consumer is then prompted to
choose whether to keep the original manufacturer's mail-in rebate, or to accept
the POS rebate, along with any terms and conditions associated with the POS rebate.