A signal distribution system to save on the cost of cable modems for cable TV
operators who wish to deliver broadband digital data services, DSL, video-on-demand
or POTS service over their HFC CATV delivery networks. All species within the genus
have a shared cable modem and a filtration and combining circuit comprised of a
plurality of diplexer filters or junction boxes or both which mix baseband packet
data with analog CATV signals onto coax drop lines coupled to the various subscribers
and connect POTS or DSL signals onto twisted pair portions of siamese cables. Various
species have the cable modem feeding digital data or packets of DOCSIS or other
data or digitized DSL signals sent over the HFC to the cable modem or digitized
POTS signals send over the HFC to the cable modem to either a packet switch, a
DSL concentrator, a voice-over-IP gateway or some combination of the above. This
data is either delivered to each subscriber as LAN packets or analog POTS signals
or DSL signals or some combination of the above using coaxial cable or siamese
cable drop lines.