Provides methods for tracing and identifying a piracy in a wireless rights management system, wherein the content provider allow the protected digital content to be super-distributed, when unauthorized holding a pirated copy of the protected digital content is detected, based on the gateway controlling ability of the wireless operator within the wireless digital rights management system, a specific fingerprint is embedded in or removed from the protected digital content so as to trace the suspected persons and further identify the pirate. The fingerprint is related to information of a suspected person holding the protected digital content without authorization. A process of screening singles out highly suspected persons. Therefore the operator can determine whether the suspected person is a real pirate by comparing the similarity of the pirated version of content and the version held by the suspected person, and the exact tracing and identifying is achieved.


< Controlling with rights objects delivery of broadcast encryption content for a network cluster from a content server outside the cluster

< Licensing the use of software to a particular user

> "Append" extension to cut and copy commands for a clipboard function in a computer system

> Timer

~ 00242