A hybrid waveguide structure having a combination of buried waveguide sections
and ridge waveguide sections on the same substrate, share a common core layer.
The buried waveguide sections provide the low index contrast desirable for couplers
and other device components. The ridge waveguide sections provide the high index
contrast needed for efficient low-loss tightly curved waveguides. The devices are
fabricated starting from a low index contrast buried waveguide. Cladding material
is then selectively removed by etching down from an upper surface either side of
the waveguide core to a lower surface. This forms an enhanced index contrast ridge
section of the waveguide. The other sections of the waveguide core remain buried
and thus retain lower index contrast. Using this approach, a variety of optical
devices, such as add/drop or add-after-drop multiplexers for WDM applications based
on microrings or Mach-Zehnder interferometers, can be made with large feature sizes
of several microns using silica-on-glass or silica-on-silicon technology, for example,
and without having to use nanofabricated semiconductor structures.