An aluminum titanate-based ceramic article having a composition comprising u (Al2O3—TiO2)+v (R)+w (3Al2O3—2SiO2)+x (Al2O3)+y (SiO2)+z (1.1SrO-1.5Al2O3-13.6SiO2—TiO2)+a (Fe2O3—TiO2)+b (MgO-2TiO2), where, R is SrO—Al2O3-2SiO2 or 11.2SrO-10.9Al2O3-24.1SiO2—TiO2, where u, v, w, x, y, z, a and b are weight fractions of each component such that (u+v+w+x+y+z+a+b=1), and 0.5u0.95, 0.01v0.5, 0.01w0.5, 0x0.5, 0y0.1, 0z0.5, 0a0.3, and 0b0.3. A method of forming the ceramic article is provided. The ceramic article is useful in automotive emissions control systems, such as diesel exhaust filtration.


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~ 00243