The invention includes an electronic gradebook having instructor and
student interfaces with various points possible values, points awarded
values, and instructor comment fields associated with gradable items
within various gradebook views. Instructor interface options allow
instructors to control student access to point values and to adjust,
curve, or weight point values. Gradebook features enable instructors to
allow students additional time or opportunity to complete or resubmit
items, and to track student activity relative to gradable items. The
invention also includes a method of compiling activity concerning course
tools into a gradebook for an on-line educational system. The system and
method track a student's use of a plurality of disparate course tools in
an on-line educational system, and they record information from the
tracking identifying the student's activity in the plurality of disparate
course tools. The information is recorded according to parameters of each
of the course tools, which may include multiple types of teaching tools
or features for an on-line educational course. The information is
formatted for display in a common format among the plurality of disparate
course tools and may be displayed in the gradebook.