Novel conductive polyanionic polymers and methods for their preparion are provided.
The polyanionic polymers comprise repeating units of weakly-coordinating anionic
groups chemically linked to polymer chains. The polymer chains in turn comprise
repeating spacer groups. Spacer groups can be chosen to be of length and structure
to impart desired electrochemical and physical properties to the polymers. Preferred
embodiments are prepared from precursor polymers comprising the Lewis acid borate
tri-coordinated to a selected ligand and repeating spacer groups to form repeating
polymer chain units. These precursor polymers are reacted with a chosen Lewis base
to form a polyanionic polymer comprising weakly coordinating anionic groups spaced
at chosen intervals along the polymer chain. The polyanionic polymers exhibit high
conductivity and physical properties which make them suitable as solid polymeric
electrolytes in lithium batteries, especially secondary lithium batteries.