A distributed network which is capable of dynamically changing media resource request metafiles, as well as the responses to those media resource requests by media servers in the network, to provide more efficient content delivery in the network. The network employs a system and method for intercepting a media resource request metafile client request, or a response to the media resource request by a media server in the network, and intelligently rewriting the response before sending it back to the requesting client. The file or protocol response can be rewritten according to localized information such as resource availability and client request information which the centralized web server may not have or even be able to obtain, such as the client's ISP, browser type, ISP's surfing trends and so on. The system and method thus enables the network to send the local client to either a local server or a remote server to receive the requested content.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Analysis of network performance

< Systems and methods for anomaly detection in patterns of monitored communications

> Downloading a computer file from a source computer to a target computer

> Host-fabric adapter having an efficient multi-tasking pipelined instruction execution micro-controller subsystem

~ 00246