An apparatus for cooling at least one fluid includes separable cold plate and
dispenser units. The cold plate unit includes a coolant system, a fluid system
and a metallic unit. The coolant system defines a cold plate portion and a tower
portion. The cold plate portion of the coolant system has a primary inlet manifold
and a primary outlet manifold, and the tower portion has a secondary inlet manifold
and a secondary outlet manifold. The coolant system further includes a first plurality
of coolant line segments connecting the primary and secondary inlet manifolds and
a second plurality of coolant line segments connecting the secondary and primary
outlet manifolds. The fluid system also defines a cold plate portion and a tower
portion, the portions being in heat exchange relationship with the coolant system.
The metallic unit includes unitary cold plate and tower portions which respectively
incorporate the cold plate and tower portions of the coolant system and fluid system.
The dispenser unit also includes a coolant system, a fluid system and a metallic
unit. The coolant system of the dispenser unit includes a dispenser inlet manifold
and a dispenser outlet manifold. The coolant system of the dispenser unit further
includes a plurality of coiled coolant lines. The fluid system is in heat exchange
relationship with the coolant system, being disposed at least partially within
the coiled coolant lines. The metallic unit of the dispenser unit incorporates
the dispenser coolant system and fluid system.