A method device implementing a seamless user/service reservation network. A network
is establishing having a user input module, an interface module and a vendor service
module. The user input module accommodates different classes of potential users
including golf reseller, an Internet based user and a dedicated function user.
Regardless of the type of user input is targeted for, all user inputs accept the
same input format and send all transactions via a bundled communication. The interface
module comprises multiple servers designed to communicate with the user input module
and the vendor service module and decode and process all bundled requests. Utilizing
multi-thread processing, all transactions from either module are concurrently processed.
The vendor service module incorporates multiple vendor systems running different
software platforms. Each vendor software platform is linked with a dedicated network
server that can accordingly translate all standard communications to the specific
protocol of the individual software vendor. By incorporating multiple user inputs
that are processed concurrently by multiple vendors running different software
platforms the seamless golf reservation network establishes a standardized golf
tee time reservation system unique to this industry.