A method is disclosed for using a spawning agent and a steroid to stimulate gonadal
development, oocyte maturation, and meiotic synchrony in oysters and other bivalves.
Advantages of the novel technique include a decrease in the variability of fertilization
among different individuals, a decrease in the variability of larval production
by synchronizing gamete maturation within a population, the ability to mature and
spawn broodstock without sacrificing the animals, to conserve and maintain genetic
lines, and the ability to improve cross-breeding programs, with or without the
use of transgenics, by repeated spawning of individuals. The method may be used,
for example, in oyster hatchery production, with an emphasis on conservation of
broodstock. The invention allows the successful and repeatable breeding of either
diploids or polyploids, selective breeding, and the breeding of transgenic oyster
lines, all without the need to sacrifice the founder animals. The animals are first
treated with estradiol-17 or an agonist. The estradiol-17 or agonist
promotes the maturation of oocytes, so that mature oocytes are then released with
high meiotic synchrony in response to subsequent induced spawning stimuli such
as serotonin.