A process for removal and recovery of nutrients and recycling of water from digested
manure or other organic wastes. A first step involves separating waste from an
anaerobic digester into digested liquids, digested solids, and biogas. A second
step involves precipitating solids from the digested liquids. A third step involves
stripping ammonia from the digested liquids. A fourth step involves injecting an
exhaust stream of carbon dioxide drawn from the co-generator into the digested
liquids to reduce the pH and raise the temperature of the digested liquid. A fifth
step involves recycling the digested liquids back to the anaerobic digester for
use in diluting in coming solid wastes. A sixth step involves passing the excess
ammonia stripped from the digested liquid through the digested solids to recover
nitrogen through aborption with the resultant digested solids being usable as a
biofertilizer with a high nitrogen content. A seventh step involves capturing the
biogas for use in a co-generation system.