A human-powered generator system for electric watercycles with a control means
whereby the perceived mechanical properties of the pedal mechanism and electric
pedal-powered generator are adjustable by the operator. The invention provides
a means whereby the rotational inertia and damping of the input pedal mechanism,
including generator, as perceived by the operator can be increased or decreased
as desired. The control means with further properties such that the input pedal
mechanism as perceived by the operator can be made to mimic that of bicycle; i.e.,
with large inertia when pedaling in the forward direction, a very low inertia when
pedaling in the reverse direction, and a freewheeling clutch mechanism whereby
the large inertia is disengaged when not pedaling in the forward direction with
a forward torque. The control means further enable the electric watercycle to be
perceived as coasting through the water when the operator takes a momentary break
from pedaling, much like that of a bicycle coasting.