The invention provides a system for recording and displaying a time sequential
scene on a computer (16). The digital camera (12) transmits a sequence
of digital image frames to the timer (14) representative of the image of
a body passing a plane in space. Each frame represents a line object (18)
of the body, thus forming a fractional part of the scene. Once the frame reaches
the image timer (14), it is digitally marked with a time reference (34)
and buffered into a block of information. The main control computer (16)
stores blocks of information from the image timer (14) for a variety of
processing and features available to the user. The invention also provides a selected
memory (36), preferably a virtual memory subsystem, or hard-disc drive.
Preferred constructions for adjusting camera pixel processing of light values,
time-marking the images, creating color palettes for interactive viewing of color
images, and video data coding to accommodate the high volume of line image data
are described.