Apparatus and method is described for using a silicon photon-counting avalanche
photodiode (APD) to detect at least two-photon absorption (TPA) of an optical signal,
the optical signal having a wavelength range extending from 1.2 m to an
upper wavelength region that increases as the number of photons simultaneously
absorbed by the APD increases beyond two. In one embodiment, the TPA count is used
by a signal compensation apparatus to reduce dispersion of a received optical pulse
communication signal subjected to group velocity dispersion, polarization mode
dispersion, or other signal impairment phenomena which effect the TPA count. Another
embodiment, the TPA count is used to determine the optical signal-to-noise ratio
of a received optical pulse communication signal. Another embodiment uses the TPA
count to determine the autocorrelation between a first and second optical pulse
signals as a function of the relative delay between the first and second optical
pulse signals. Another embodiment uses the TPA count to achieve synchronization
of a second optical pulse signal to a first optical pulse signal.