A software utility scans a word processing document to locate citations to court opinions. It parses each citation to determine its constituent elements, such as the citation's case name, the reporters in which it is published, its jurisdiction and court, and its date. It then compares the citation as it is written against stylistic rules for legal citations. If it finds a deviation from one of the stylistic rules, it displays a message to inform the user of the error and, if possible, suggests specific changes to correct the error. If the user accepts one of the corrections, the utility makes that change to the word processing document.

Web www.patentalert.com

< Initializing, maintaining, updating and recovering secure operation within an integrated system employing a data access control function

< Apparatus and methods for accessing a collection of content portions

> Cardiac rhythm management system with arrhythmia prediction and prevention

> Method and system for determining and maintaining trust in digital image files with certifiable time

~ 00251