An intelligent traffic redirection system performs global load balancing. The
system uses a network map that is generated in part by extending a "sparse" IP
address data map. In particular, a method of extending an IP address block map
begins by defining a set of one or more upper bound block(s). These upper bound
blocks are then used to partition a space of IP addresses into subsets or "territories",
wherein each territory represents a largest set of IP addresses to which a piece
of mapping data may be extended. The "piece" of mapping data typically consists
of a host (usually a "name server" identified by the core point discovery process)
IP address and some data about that host, namely, a "nearest" data center or a
flag indicating that either "no data" exists for that host or that the system is
"indifferent" as to which of a set of mirrored data centers the host should be
mapped. A unification algorithm partitions the territory of each upper bound block
into the largest possible sub-blocks in which a given unanimity criterion is satisfied
and extends the mapping data in each such sub-block to all of the territory of
that sub-block.